The latest news and other posts from Zentered.
A concept for building open communities with GitHub and GitHub Actions
Patrick Heneise
Collecting and querying time-series data from IoT devices with TDEngine and GraphQL
Create and managed GitHub Deployments and Environments with Google Cloud Build and Cloud Run
Using Secrets Manager to synchronize local environment variables with Google Cloud
SolidJS ranked #1 in the 2021 "State of JS Front-End Frameworks", so we wanted to see what the fuzz is about and tried to build a real application with it.
Markdown for the component era.
An engineering approach to event management for technical user groups.
Setting up a React 18 Single Page Application with Vite tooling and Next.js-like routing pattern, including authentication with Auth0 and API requests.
We wanted to see how to get a Swift API running on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Easier than said, we quickly realized there are a lot of different products needed in AWS, so we created a new Terraform project to consistently re-create the environment.
Recently we started a Swift API proof of concept and wanted to see if we can deploy the service with "the tools we know" from Node.js: continuous integration in the cloud and deployment to serverless / managed k8s platforms. TL;DR: It works! And very similar to working with Node.js services.
Swift on Server has been around for a few years now, and Swift is an interesting language to learn for mobile development. It feels quite similar to JavaScript with the new async/await features and is easily readable.
Cloud Native from source to production with semantic-release and conventional commits.
Jan Hagelauer
Security measures for GitHub Actions.
Proof of concept to test a Fastify App which uses asynchronous plugins.
Step by step tutorial on how to deploy your website on Cloudflare Pages.
If you have an open source project on GitHub and want a separate company or project website, a common problem to solve is: where do you version control and how do you present your docs?
We'll demonstrate how to run a JavaScript application on Google Cloud run with Server Side Rendering (SSR), a global Content Delivery Network (CDN) on Google Cloud Run (fully managed).
Automated deployment of serverless functions with Cloud Build.
Dmitry Zaets
How to capture and organise your customers with Typeform and Infusionsoft.
Our experience organizing a company retreat.
GitHub Pro Tips for Projects with Multiple Repositories. A good practice when working with multiple services in the same project is to create a new repository for each service. And since GitHub changed the pricing from “per repo” to “per user”, companies were not restricted to 10 repositories any longer to save money.
Today we’d like to share a few more helpers from our toolbox. We already shared our Makefile for Node.js Developers some time ago, these tools require the Makefile to be set up.
serverless on steroids with semantic-release, automated continuous integration and automated deployments to Google Cloud Functions.
How to increase scalability, performance and maintainability of your software.
Andreas Möller recently posted his Makefile for lazy developers approach for PHP developers, which motivated me to publish our Node.js Makefiles and the story how we got there.